The 7 days startups..
This a book Summary of the 7 days startups
There are 3 Element Core Elements.
1. IDEA - Idea is which is keep in your mind that you want to do.
2. EXECUTION - Your Imagination into Reality.
3. HUSTLE - You will fulfill it Any how (Consistency).
1. IDEA - Idea is which is keep in your mind that you want to do.
2. EXECUTION - Your Imagination into Reality.
3. HUSTLE - You will fulfill it Any how (Consistency).
DAY - 1
1. Enjoyable Daily Task - In the day1 you work on the enjoyable task which is your daily task you love to do daily bases work...
2. Product/Founder Fit - In day first 2think to do is find your product which you can produce to your audience (ex. Teching,Coching,selling and Produceing Content For them)
3. Scalable Business Model - In day first 3think Create a model which you can grow faster and more productive which help u to grow the business.
4. Operate Without fund - In day first 4think created a business that you will no need Fund aleast in 2 to 5 years.
5. Build Asset - In day First 5think Build asset like if you need that you want to Grow to any other reason that you want to sell. Build the Asset for (ex. Invest in self, invest in your property, invest in your self learning this is your biggest invest)
6. Market Potential Amount Different Idea - In day first 6think do different type of market and try somethink different Form others.
7. Tap Pain Pleasure (Current Solution Product) - In day first 7think If I told you to create a product on toys here is the Point Someone will create a product that he/she played in there childhood but if you want to create a toy product you want to use the now a days technology.
8. Unique lead Generation Should Grab Attention - In day first 8think you want to increse your grow Grad Attention!!! That created somethink unique and interesting...
9. Launch Quickly can do Modification - Launch product that you will do later do Modification.
(THE MUP) Minimum Valuable Product for only customer FeedBack - Now you launch your Product collect your feedback this very important to your business collect it and research about your feedback that will work or not and apply it....
(THE NAME) This is very important important because you will creating your Breading.First think 10 Name that you like and select the one name that you like most. Not so Compiliated Notso lengthy
or not so much borading type...
(WEBSITE) Now you want create a website
1.Website should collect Potential Customer Email I'Ds - Now you created the website collect the email ids that you send and call to action your customer's.
2. Should Pre still Product Before launch - Before you launch the product into your website in day-2 you get some feedback apply it on it..
3. Must have sale page. Use it on LAUNCH Day
(MARKETING) Creating content (create useful content) give people for free content
1. BLOG's - Write Articles on Solution of various Problems
2.INFOGRAPHICs - Environment type for Ex. Vlog
3.VIDEOs - Create videos where you can YouTube,Facebook,Instagram and Tik-Tok etc.
4.E-books - Can write e-books to market your product.
and many more other Thinks
(SET TARGETS) Should Singup / Should buy10 sing ups - Atleast sell your product to 10 people and tell them give some Feedback and tell me about your product Experence.
THIS Book is Guide You to create a Startups launch and Business and many More....
IF you Want to Gain more knowlage about startup business than buy this book...